The fight for our souls began the moment we were born. Sin, that nature we inherited from our father and mother (Adam and Eve) is innate in us.
Adam and Eve who was the express image of God's perfection traded it all to obey the serpent in the garden of Eden in order to know what it felt to be god-like.
Hmm...intresting the same action that caused him (Satan) to be cast out of heaven with a 3rd of the angels. Consequently, is what he deceived man with thus getting us thrown out of heaven on earth...Wow! Sin is truly one of the worse things that humanity does best, it comes easy to us.
It is the fools gold of humanity because its yeild is only the fruit of death and nothing good ever comes from sin.
The Bible said, "We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity." So that would explain why we who were shaped into the image of perfection, and who recieved the breath of life from our Father Jehovah now struggles to live in his image of holiness.
The curse of sin abhors holiness. Holiness always reminds the curse of sin that the state of damnation is not permanent in the Spirit.
The Bible said that, "God breath into the nostrils of Adam and man became a living soul." The curse of sin can't touch the breath of God only the flesh of man.
So this should be good news to those that want to be regenerated in Christ Jesus.
Regeneration Is A Must
What is regeneration? Regeneration simply means to be Renewed, Restored, Revived. Oh my Goodnesses, I am getting happy right here! Holy living however difficult is not impossible in Christ Jesus.
The Devil with great alacrity tries to wage war in our minds and fill our souls and hearts with filth. It is in the mind of the believer were we can experience some of the most fieriest fighting for our souls.
Also, it is in the mind were we can enjoy some of the greatest victories. Hallelujah! The good news is God didn't leave us powerless, He made us powerful in Christ Jesus.
The regeneration of our souls when we accept Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord bequeaths unto us the power over sin. It gives us the power to break every chain and releases us from the baggage (some that was forced upon us and some we willingly sought after).
But are we really ready to win a winnable fight. In spite the lies of the devil and others this fight is very winnable. But are you tough enough? You should be because you have Jesus as your Lord! The Bible says that we are overcomers.
James 4:7, says "Submit to God and resist the Devil and he will flee."
So the question is are we ready to tell our bodies what they can't have, and minds what they can't think?
So the question is not can we come out from amoung these things...The question is will we come out from amoung these things using the power of Jesus Christ. God bless.
Take Away
We were born into this world with baggage. However, though we have things that we have to fight daily, God the Father has given us Jesus and Jesus has given us his Holy Spirit to overcome the enemy. So use the power of Jesus' Spirit and His word to win.
Father in the name of Jesus please help us to discover the winner within. We know that You have given us power to be winners but forgive us when we have chosen the losing path. I pray Lord that you will bless us mighty God make us victorious in every weak area in our lives. We bless You God and we love You in Jesus name amen.
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