One of the happiest moments in life was when I realized that life was not defined by happiness but by joy in Jesus.
-The Blueprint-
Happiness is such a controversial word in my opinion because many people find themselves imprisoned by the meaning of this word. Truly if we were to analyze happiness we would realize that it is a state of being not an absolute. Happiness is circumstantial at best.
Consequently, it is a feeling solely based on conditions but it is never concrete. If you were to show me 5 people that were happy...I could show you 5 more that said sometime in the day they were happy also but because of difficulty of events or circumstances out of their control they are no longer happy.
Happiness is an emotion that is always changing. It lacks depth and the deeply planted roots needed in order to build a stable foundation upon.
What do you mean? Thanks for asking... Happiness says in essences if I feel happy today, if everything around me is conducive to my happiness, then guess what?... I feel happy today. But by some chance my circumstances don't provide me an atmosphere that is conducive to my happiness. ..then somebody better watch out, now I am on the warpath because I am not happy today.
Happiness is predicated on condition not facts. We may not feel happy today but God is still good. Fact not condition.
Consider this? We can wake up in the morning and hear the birds chirping, the angels singing because we feel happy today. However, if life hands us a plate of disappointments then there is a good chance that we will no longer feel happy. That is chilling right? We can't build our proverbial houses on happiness because eventually they will colasp.
The conditions of life can and will alter our attitudes and possibly rob us of our happiness if we will allow our feelings to dictate to us the direction for our lives. The seesaw, (The Feeling of Happiness) has claimed many marriages, friendships and has weakend our relationships with God because the feeling of euphoria that was once present when we received Jesus is no longer there.
Have you ever heard people say, "I don't feel saved or we have just fallen out of love?" Can I say this? Love and Salvation are not feelings they are choices. We choose to love our spouses or not. We choose to live submitted and consecrated lives to God or not.
Nehemiah had to remind the Israelites when Ezra was reading the word of God that it wasn't a time to weep but it was a time to rejoice. He had to remind them that their strength was found in the joy of the Lord and that His words are spirit and they are alive.
We too must realize that when I am happy God has my back, when my enemies are present God has my back and when I am feeling sad God has my back. We must realize that we are not defined by our happiness. When we dont feel happy we are still strong because we have His joy, evelasting joy! It doesn't matter about our conditions because God never, ever changes, he is always absolute.
Check out this related articles: A Valued Life Can Lead You To A Life Of Joy
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