Monday, August 24, 2015

If God Doesn't Exist Then Shut-up About It!

One day a man asked me, "Why should I believe in God?"...And my response was, "If you are asking me, then you already do!" -Fuel ⛽-

I have been pummeled, haggled and disrespected about a God that I care so much about. But the problem with this is I don’t understand my opponents. They cry about the spread of the Christian message. I have heard non believers say, those people knocking at their door talking about, “Don’t you know that Jesus loves you?’ I will release my dog on them." I have seen post saying Efff your religion, Jesus doesn’t exist, the Bible is a mystical book of mythology, I don’t believe in sin, don't bring that crap to me.

What are you trying to prove? And who are you trying to prove this too?

I can’t type God on the computer without it trying to marginalize my reality (God written in a little g…). Some sites won't let you captalize the "J" in the name Jesus...Is that not censorship?

So if God doesn’t exist in your life then shut up about it. Why do I have to be bombarded with hate about my God to pacify your incredulity? Why do we always (Christians) have to acquiesce to small minded ideas.

If you want to be Godless then that’s your problem. You won’t change your beliefs and I want change mine. But I will treat you with respect, kindness showing you the love of Jesus Christ. But when I say Jesus loves you or turn away from sin, Jesus is the truth, the way and the life and you will die and go to hell WITHOUT HIM…just know it is not said in disrespect.

Why should Christians who bring a living and loving message about a merciful and kind God have to be disrespected , because you are insecure and feeling guilty about a God that doesn’t exist.

Hmmmm….makes you wonder what you are really mad about….

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